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Burglary Prevention Advice


Dear Resident


Not to alarm you but we are seeing a rise in the reports of residential burglaries and shed breaks in's. Never fear to call 999 if you think something is suspicious or you hear an alarm sounding, the police would much rather attend and it be nothing or to catch offenders in the act - every police officers dream is to catch a burglar in the act!

Please see some helpful tips below to deter burglaries and please share tips with family, friends and neighbours - 


Secure Garden Gates: Install sturdy locks on garden gates to prevent unauthorised access to the rear of your property.

Fencing: Use tall, solid fencing to restrict visibility and make it more challenging for burglars to scope out your property.

Thorny Plants: Plant thorny shrubs or bushes around accessible fencing/gates to create a natural deterrent and make it uncomfortable for intruders to approach. We are often seeing properties with no protection via the rear and unauthorised persons are able to walk straight onto the property.

Alarm System: Extend your home security system to include sensors for the rear garden, sheds and garages triggering an alarm if someone enters the area. We have seen an increase in installation across different floors in the property, often homeowners only install alarms on the bottom floor.

Timer lights: Make it look like someone’s in, switch on lights or a radio on when you go out. You can buy timer devices to do this automatically.

Visible Cameras: Install visible CCTV at the front and at the rear of your property, acting as both a deterrent and a tool for identifying potential offenders ensuring they’re tamper proof. We often find residents will protect the front of the house with CCTV but not the rear – think, have you done this? If yes, please consider adding CCTV to guard the rear of your property. 

Photographs: Photograph highly valuable items such as jewellery, paintings & antiques. Keep the pictures in a safe place, outside your home.

Secure Valuables: Avoid leaving valuable items visible from the outside, reducing the motivation for burglars to target your home. Install a safe in the property that cannot be removed/accessed by any unauthorised persons. Even when you’re at home, try not to leave accessible windows open at night.

Window Security Film: Apply security film to windows and glass doors to make them more resistant to breakage.

Use Reinforced Glass: Consider replacing regular glass with laminated or toughened glass, making it more difficult for burglars to break through.

Install Security Lighting: Illuminate the rear of your property with motion-activated lights to deter burglars and make their entry more visible.

Reinforce Patio Doors: Use strong materials like laminated glass or install security film to reinforce patio doors, making them more resistant to break-ins.

Upgrade Locks: Install high-quality locks on patio doors, preferably deadbolts, and consider adding a secondary locking mechanism for extra security.

Visible Signage: Display signs indicating the presence of a security system, even if you don't have one. Even displaying ‘beware of the dog’ stickers as this can also act as a deterrent. Burglars don't like home owners being home or dogs. 

Smart Home Security: Invest in smart security systems with cameras, door/window sensors, and alarms that can be monitored remotely.

Know Your Neighbours: Build good relationships with neighbours, so they can report any suspicious activity, especially when you're away. Ask them to take in any milk, newspaper deliveries and maybe even park on your drive. Throughout my beat areas I’m seeing an increase in road/estates with WhatsApp/social media messaging groups. This is making it extremely easy for residents to share any concerns and make others aware of any suspicious events.

Lastly, Join Your Local Neighbourhood Watch (or Start One): Criminals don’t like “working” in areas where they have a higher chance of being caught. Therefore, they usually avoid districts with high activity of crime prevention groups. Neighbourhood watch groups have two major advantages: they scare burglars away and they’re formed by people living in the same area who can easily spot suspicious activities.


Lets make SWANLEY and HEXTABLE less easier to burgle, and you never know, that if we work together and make it that much harder that they move areas or seek genuine employment to earn money :-). 






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Message Sent By
Steven Shipley
(Kent Police, PC, Swanley Neighbourhood Beat Officer)

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