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Police put the brakes on careless driving in Devonport

In response to the communities’ concerns surrounding road safety in the Devonport and West area of Plymouth, local police recently ran an operation aimed at improving safety on the roads by cracking down on dangerous driving and deterring motorists from exceeding speed limits. 

The road safety operation deployed plain-clothes officers to identify vehicles and drivers committing or suspected of committing road offences, such as driving without a seatbelt. Officers were also supported by colleagues from the Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency (DVSA), who carried out a range of safety inspections on larger vehicles.

During the road safety operation, fourteen drivers were pulled over for motoring offences including driving whilst on their mobile phone, driving without insurance and MOT, and driving without a seatbelt. All drivers have been reported and suitable penalties will be issued, including speed awareness courses, points on licenses and fines.

For the full article please see the Devon & Cornwall Police website here.

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Linzi Berryman
(Police, Alert Officer, Devon & Cornwall)

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