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St Alphege Neighbourhood Policing Team update

Good Evening


Here is the latest update from the St Alphege Neighbourhood Policing Team

St Alphege 27th April 2024 -  5th May 2024


Between 11:00pm on Saturday 27th and 01:00am on Sunday 28th a burglary occurred on CHESTERTON CLOSE. Offenders have snapped the lock on a rear kitchen door and gained entry in to the property. Once inside they have made an untidy search before leaving without taking anything.

Between 11:00pm on Sunday 28th and 05:30am on Monday 29th April there were 4 garages broken into on STONEBOW AVENUE. These garages were all separate from the houses and had pad locks cut off and doors forced open resulting in bikes and tools being stolen.

Between 00:25am and 00:40am on Tuesday 30th April there was an attempted burglary on CRANSLEY GROVE. Offenders have tried to snap the lock on a side door but failed and have left without gaining entry to the property.

Vehicle Crime

Between 3:30pm and 4:30pm on Saturday 27th April a grey FORD TRANSIT was broken into on MORRISONS car park in the town centre. Offenders smashed the nearside window and stole documents, 2 pairs of shoes, a man bag and a pair of Airpods.

At about 10:50pm on Friday 3rd May a grey LANDROVER DISCOVERY was stolen from DANFORD LANE. It is not known how entry was gained in to the vehicle.

Between 6:00pm and 6:30pm on Saturday May 4th a locked Mountain bike was stolen from STATION ROAD in the town centre. 


St Alphege and Blythe officers arrested a prolific shoplifter and they were charged with 19 offences.

Officers went out on patrol with the DORCHESTER Street Watch group and patrolled Tudor Grange park.

12 vehicles were recorded speeding on DORCHESTER RD during a speed watch session. All registered keepers have been written to.


Please check any garages that you own that aren’t attached to your house. There have been recent break-ins to garages that are away from the houses and aren’t overlooked. If you have anything valuable in them extra security measures would be a good idea. Lock bikes up that are inside and padlock tool boxes are 2 such measures.

Remember, crime prevention is all about making it difficult for offenders to break in to your property or steal your vehicles. If they have to spend more time or make more noise than they want to they may give up and look elsewhere.

Please consider anti-snap locks to all outside doors. Look for at least 3 stars and the Kitemark when purchasing them.

Put wheelie bins at the rear of your property away from gates and fences if you can. These can be used as a means to get over your fence and into your rear garden. 

If you have a side gate or a fence bordering your garden then think about something called PRIKA STRIP. This is strips of hard rubber spikes that can be run along flat surfaces such as gates, fences and roofs, anybody attempting to climb on or over will find it difficult to put their hands on the surface due to these spikes.

Please consider a good steering lock for your vehicles, and check that your vehicle is locked before you walk away from it.

Tamper proof screws for number plates are a good idea to protect number plates from being stolen.

Pickpockets and purse dippers are active in the town centre. Always make sure handbags are zipped up,never leave your handbag or purse unattended on a shopping trolley, pushchair or wheelchair. Always be aware of your surroundings and the people around you when withdrawing cash. A simple tactic against this type of crime is to attach small bells to your purse so that they jingle when purses are being moved.

If you use a bike to get out and about think about the lock that you secure it with. A D lock is one such lock. Simple chains can be cut through in seconds.

Please take 5 mins to read about ways you can prevent burglary and vehicle theft

Residential burglary | Your Options | West Midlands Police (west-midlands.police.uk)

Theft of motor vehicle | Your Options | West Midlands Police (west-midlands.police.uk)

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Message Sent By
Andrew Alton
(Police, Pcso, St Alphege Neighbourhood Policing Team)

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