The Police
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Victims' Code Campaign

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Victims' Code Campaign


The Victims’ Code explains the rights that everyone can expect to receive as a victim of crime.

Whoever you are and whatever the crime, you have the right to be informed about the criminal justice process and the support available.

Right 1: You have the right to understand the information you’re given and to be understood. This includes access to translation or interpretation services if needed.

Right 2: You have the right to have the crime recorded by the police promptly and may be able to get extra support from a specialist if you need help communicating. Find out more about reporting a crime.

Right 3: You have the right to receive written confirmation that the crime has been recorded, get information on the criminal justice process, and be told about support services.

Right 4: You have the right to be referred to support services or contact them directly. You should also be told about any extra support at court which is available to you. Find out more about the support available.

Right 5: You have the right to be told about compensation that may be available for any loss, damage or injury caused by a crime. Find out more about claiming compensation.

Right 6: You have the right to be given updates on your case, be told about important decisions and ask for a review of certain decisions.

Right 7: You have the right to make a statement telling the court how the crime has affected you, which will be considered when sentencing the offender.

Right 8: You have the right to be told the date, location and outcome of any hearing. If you need to give evidence, you can get help before, during and after the trial. Find out more about the court process.

Right 9: You have the right to be told the outcome of the case and the sentence. If the offender appeals, you should be told the outcome.

Right 10: You have the right to claim expenses from giving evidence in court. If property was taken as evidence, you should get it back promptly.

Right 11: You have the right to join the Victim Contact Scheme if eligible. The scheme gives you updates on the offender’s sentence, including when they’re being considered for release.

Right 12: You have the right to complain to the relevant organisation if you’re unhappy with how you’ve been treated. Find out more about making a complaint.

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Message Sent By
Adrian Hemmings
(Staffordshire Police, PCSO, Stoke North)

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