The Police
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Burglary - Heysham Drive, South Oxhey

Between approximately 11:20am on Saturday 30th March and 4:00am on Tuesday 2nd April a property in Heysham Drive, South Oxhey near to the junction with Foxgrove Path was burgled. 


Offender/s have travelled from an unknown direction and gained access to the property by smashing the glass in a rear door. An untidy search has been carried out before the offender/s have left in an unknown direction. 


Did you see or hear anything suspicious in relation to this burglary? If you have any information, or CCTV or video doorbell that may assist with our enquiries, please call 101 and quote crime reference number: 41/26486/23.Alternatively, you can give information anonymously via Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.


Please be re-assured that police are stepping up patrols around this area.


For further crime prevention advice on how to protect your home, please use the following link:


Protecting your home from crime | Crime prevention | Hertfordshire Constabulary (herts.police.uk)

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Message Sent By
Chris Baldwin
(Police, PCSO, Three Rivers - Oxhey)

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