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Recent attempt theft of farm machinery

In the last 24 hours we have had a report of someone attempting to steal a JCB excavator from the Carr Moss Lane area of Halsall. The offenders appear to have had a key for the vehicle. We have also had a report of three suspicious males on private land a few hours later in the same area. We are asking people to be vigilant and report any suspicious activity, as well as ensuring any plan machinery is secured. If there is an incident ongoing please call 999 in an emergency, alternatively you can use 101 or report online. If anyone has any information in relation to the above mentioned theft you can reply direct to myself, the reply will be private.



Rural and Wildlife Crime Task Force Sgt 

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Message Sent By
Darren Carr
(Police, Sgt, SOUTH - West Lancashire NHP Task Force and South Rural Task Force)

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