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Rogue Traders

 If you wish to update us on an incident or tell us about an existing case visit How to tell us about an existing case or report | Gloucestershire Constabulary 

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  • An elderly homeowner has had a flyer put through their door from a roofing company. The owner of the company has then knocked on the door the following day and told the homeowner that they had a broken roof tile and given a quote of £160 to complete the repair. The homeowners family have visited the property and seen that the person has ripped the flashing off one side of the pitched roof and told the homeowner that the roof was uneven and the battons were rotten. The person has then charged the resident £12,426 for the work and refused to leave the premises until the money was in his account.  There were 4 males doing the work at the property and a separate male was collecting the money. The males arrived at the property in a Honda Accord. Incident 343 of 18th April 2024.

    Please don't hesitate to call the Police if you witness suspicious activity and dial 999 if you believe a crime is taking place. 

    You can also report any information anonymously to Crimestoppers by calling 0800 555111 or online at Giving information | Crimestoppers (crimestoppers-uk.org)

    For crime prevention advice visit Crime prevention advice | Gloucestershire Constabulary

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    Crime Reduction
    (Gloucestershire Constabulary, Crime Prevention Team, Gloucestershire)

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