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Loughborough Central 7 Day Neighbourhood Crime Update

Dear Neighbourhood Link Member,


Good afternoon and I hope that you are well.

Here is a update on crime reported in the Loughborough Central neighbourhood in the last 7 days (1st-8th May 2024- correct at the time of publication)


Crime Report for the last 7 days are:

Burglary other than dwelling x 4

Residential burglary x 1

Robbery x 0

Theft from motor vehicle x 2

Theft of Pedal cycle x 7


Help us to reduce further crime

If you want to report crime / have any information on a crime / Anti Social Behaviour or anything suspicious please visit our website www.leics.police.uk / call us on 101 


Or If you prefer to stay anonymous, you can always call Crime Stoppers on 0800 555 111, or fill in our easy-to-use online form on their website. Their team are there 24/7, 365 days a year, and we'll never ask who you are, never judge, or ask how you know about a crime. They are just here there to help you make a difference and keep your community safe.

In an emergency, always call 999.


Attached is some advice on how to keep your motor cycle,moped or scooter safe.

Have a lovely week and be safe!

Loughborough Central Neighbourhood Team 




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Message Sent By
Kelly Cavanagh
(Leicestershire Police, PCSO 6013, Charnwood)

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