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Attempted Housebreaking With Intent

Good afternoon all,


Further to my previous message, some good news. 


There was a further Attempted Housebreaking With Intent (to steal) at the same premises over the weekend, which was again unsuccessful. Perps attempted to gain entry via Perspex windows in the roller doors, but were scared off by a member of staff. 

Due to recent improved security measures at the premises, both  perpetrators have been identified, with one having been arrested and charged with a number of offences.  Enquiries are ongoing re apprehending the outstanding perpetrator. and we will keep you all posted. 


Please consider removing these Perspex panels as they are a common factor in these incidents. Anyone seeking further advice please get in touch.


Acquisitive Crime Prevention + Designing Out Crime Officer

D Division 

Partnerships Interventions and Preventions Hub

West District Housing Office

3 Sinclair Street
Tel. 01382 436532

Mob. 07814 070075

Email: steven.mckay@scotland.police.uk 

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Message Sent By
Steven McKay
(Police Scotland, PC - Preventions and Interventions Officer, D Div - Dundee)

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