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Ready to spring into action?

As we’re now firmly in spring (with lots of April showers!), why not spring into action (that is indeed a spring-related pun) to keep you, your home, and your local area safe? 


Here are our top things for you to consider as we head into the warmer months:


Doors and windows: 


We know it’s lovely to open all the doors and windows once the warmer weather arrives, but if you’re popping out (even if just for a few minutes) remember to lock them all (including side and garden gates) before you go outside. Unfortunately, opportunistic burglars may see an open door, window, or gate as an open invitation. Remember to keep all valuables out of sight and be aware of any windows and doors you may have open while you’re in the house too. 


Defensive planting:


We may not be able to offer much useful advice on the best flowers to grow in your garden this spring, but we can suggest some good plants – defensive ones! Defensive planting is where you grow spiky or thorny plants under, above, or around windows, fences and gates. It’s a great (homegrown!) way to deter potential burglars who may try to access your home through the garden. While you’re spending more time growing new plants in the garden, remember to check all your fences and gates are still secure and repair any broken panels to keep your garden as secure as possible.


Securing outbuildings:


Thinking of spring-cleaning your shed, garage or outbuilding? We know that they’re a great place to store everything from tools to bikes, so take a few minutes to make sure it’s secure as well as tidy this April. Just like your home, make sure that any doors and windows are locked and invest in an alarm if you can to deter potential burglars. If you are storing items such as tools or bikes in your outbuilding, make sure they are secured in a locker or stand to make them more difficult to remove. Keep them out of sight or covered and consider property marking your items. 


Livestock worrying: 


As spring is (hopefully) here, for many farms, lambing season is well underway, and young livestock will be soon enjoying the green pastures of our rural areas. Do you know what livestock worrying is? 


It is where a dog attacks or chases livestock causing injury or suffering. It’s important that dog owners stay alert when walking through farmland with their dogs and make sure their dog is kept on a lead at all times when passing livestock. If you’re planning a spring walk, please keep to designated footpaths, respect the countryside, and remember not to approach or touch livestock. 


Online security: 


It is that time of year when many of us dream of visiting sunnier climates and escaping on holiday. But be aware before you spring towards a too-good-to-be-true holiday ‘deal’. Unfortunately, criminals can approach you online, over the phone or via email offering cheap deals to tempt you into booking a scam holiday with them. 


If you’re looking to book a spring or summer (or autumn or winter!) break, make sure you do your research beforehand and be sceptical of unrealistic holiday deals - if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Make sure you use strong passwords for any online accounts, look for accredited logos when using travel companies, and beware of suspicious messages. Action Fraud has lots more information on their website: actionfraud.police.uk/holidayfraud

Want some more crime prevention advice this spring? Head to our website – there’s information that covers keeping you, your home, vehicle, and business safe: https://www.surrey.police.uk/cp/crime-prevention/


With the (hopefully!) sunnier weather on the way, we hope you all enjoy the warmer months safely in Surrey!


Surrey Police

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Rebecca Wilson
(Police, Communications Coordinator, Surrey Police)

Neighbourhood Alert Cyber Essentials